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Letter from the Director The Impossible Dream Ten years ago a dream came to fruition.  Challenger was born at Liberty Oak Park in the Spring of 1993.  There were four teams, around 39 players, a few buddies, and a director not sure of what had been created.  Well, it is now ten years later and there are ten baseball teams, 125 players, 100 buddies, 30 coaches, and several people leading the operation.  The director is now sure of what was created.  Dream fulfillment!  Whether it be an athlete running for the first time, the first slide into a cloud of dust, finding that Tootsie Roll on first base, hitting a pitched ball, participating on a winning team, smiling, parental enthusiasm, tears of joy, Kodak moments, throwing the ball to the right place, interacting appropriately with a buddy, or simply just being there are all indicators of dream fulfillment.  Oh, by the way, Challenger happened to expand into some other sports along the way, dream clones let's call them. Challenger offers the challenge to our athletes to dream of being a superstar.  If offers a place where just perhaps this dream will come true. Our athletes are quite simply perfect.  They never make an out, they field flawlessly, and they are the fastest runners on the planet.  They never doubt that they can achieve in spite of some of externally imposed label of "disability".  All Challenger athletes are "abled".  They are "abled" simply by participating.  They are "abled" by the pursuit of their own dreams. Today we are celebrating the past ten years.  We probably should also be looking forward to the next ten.  Our current athletes will set standards for others to follow.  The program itself will probably continue to expand with more players and maybe even with more sports (Alan loves golf and Tom loves hockey).  Parents, coaches, and buddies will have to keep on stepping forward.  The community will have to be involved when called upon.  The Freehold Township Little League and the Freehold Township Recreation Department (who deserve the "Thank You" of all "Thank You"s) undoubtedly will let us do our thing. Dreams and challenges: sports often revolve around these two ideas.  So today I ask you to take just a moment to think about ways that our athletes have accomplished, are accomplishing, and will accomplish their individual goals.  Ten years ago something new was born with some naysayers stating that it would never be successful.  It is truly amazing how impossible dreams can be reached with a load of desires mixed with support encouragement and LOVE.  I wish all of you the happiest of 10th anniversaries and I truly celebrate this day with each and every one of you. Alan Goldstein
June 2002
Baseball Basketball Soccer

American Flag Announcements
  • Congratulations

    Freehold Challenger on being chosen to participate in the
    2017 Little League® Challenger Division Exhibition at the
    2017 Little League Baseball®
    World Series!!
    Click here for details.

  • Please register as early as
    possible for any and all sports!!

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    Friendship Circle
From the director's desk Thoughts on the 25th (2017) Build it and they will come; Say it and it will happen; No disabilities, only athletes...

We are family (2012) When I last wrote one of these letters 10 years ago, Challenger was still in its formative years, a kind of childhood if you will. ...

The Impossible Dream (2002) Ten years ago a dream came to fruition. Challenger was born at Liberty Oak Park in the Spring of 1993. There were ...
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